Ask Griffy about anything going on in Feral-Heart!

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Griffy and Stan

Hello Feral-Hearters! it's Griffy and Stan here to mention a couple things!

~Present Tips/Saving and renaming

~When you make presents using Gimp(2.6,ect) or other drawing tools, press "Save as" after you edited the head,body,tail, or/and eye present templates( The ones given to you when you downloaded FH, present 1 and 2.)

~Before you run out of the templates to make presents, copy the original and put them in a folder where you won't loose them. This way you can edit the name of the templates so they fit in the correct exports>present(#)  folder. (EX: Lets say you copy present 3, and all of the templates in it. After moving the copies to another present#, you have to change to number to the present# folder. present3_Body, if moved to present folder 4, would have to be renamed to: present4_Body.)

~C from above~ Right click the present template and look at the list, until you see "rename"

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